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Terms of use image bank

All rights to image material in the Flower Council of Holland’s image bank are held by the Flower Council of Holland or have been licensed to the Flower Council of Holland. The Flower Council of Holland makes this image material available to third parties as a service for promotional purposes in the floriculture sector. The use of these images is subject to terms and conditions. If the user fails to abide by the terms and conditions stipulated by us, the usage rights can be withdrawn immediately.

1.    Use of the material refers to an action or sequences of actions with regard to the image material, including in any case requesting, consulting, using, providing by forwarding, distribution or any other form of provision, compilation, linking together and reproduction and publishing.
2.    The usage rights apply solely to the user themselves. The full or partial assignment of the usage rights or the granting of sub-licences by the user to a third party is not permitted.
3.    The rights to the image material are and remain the property of the Flower Council of Holland. The Flower Council of Holland merely grants the user a limited non-exclusive and revocable right of use.
4.    The user is not permitted to use the image material in a manner which could cause material or non-material harm to the Flower Council of Holland, the Dutch floriculture sector and/or the maker.
5.    If the image material depicts persons, this material may not be used in such a way that those persons could reasonably object to this.
6.    The user will include the following credit with the publication:

  1. Mooiwatbloemendoen.nl or mooiwatplantendoen.nl, in the case of publication in Dutch
  2. Tollwasblumenmachen.de or pflanzenfreude.de, in the case of publication in German
  3. Lajoiedesfleurs.fr or maplantemonbonheur.fr, in the case of publication in French
  4. Funnyhowflowerdothat.co.uk or thejoyofplants.co.uk, in the case of publication in English or any other language

7.    The user is not permitted to make any modifications to the image material.
8.    The Flower Council of Holland reserves the right to terminate the usage rights with immediate effect if third parties’ claims give grounds for doing so. In that case the user will cooperate fully.

The Flower Council of Holland is never liable for the consequences of the use of the image material by the user. The user indemnifies the Flower Council of Holland against all claims from any party relating to the use of the image material by the user. Equally the Flower Council of Holland is never liable with respect to the user for the earlier or later use of the image material by third parties. If the user breaches the terms and conditions, they will be subject to an immediate penalty of €300 and a penalty of €500 for every day that the breach continues after notice of default has been given, which penalties are payable immediately to the Flower Council of Holland and not open to moderation, without prejudice to the Flower Council of Holland‘s right to claim full compensation from the user. Disputes between the Flower Council of Holland and the user relating to the right of use will be settled by the competent court in The Hague according to Dutch law.