Final survey of effects of pandemic on consumer behaviour
Position of flowers and plants in households remains secure
In February, market research agency Motivaction investigated the effects of Covid-19 on the consumption of flowers and plants for the fifth time. The survey was conducted online in Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands. Its results show that consumers expect to keep buying flowers and plants more often. Even despite an increasingly uncertain future financial situation.
A green home (office)

Enjoying a greener outside
More consumers also enjoy decorating their gardens and balconies with garden plants. When the pandemic began, 40% of consumers indicated that they enjoy this. In our last survey in February, this percentage had increased to 48%. Here we see a strong increase in Germany, (52%), France (53%), and the United Kingdom (55%). The Netherlands slightly trails, currently at 32%.
New survey scope
For now, this will be the last time that the Flower Council commissioned this specific survey. Instead, we will start to focus on the effects the high inflation and decline of consumer confidence will have on the purchase of flowers and plants. It is difficult to predict what the exact impact will be, but respondents to this survey sound optimistic. Despite the future financial situation, flowers and plants do not appear to be the first step when cutting expenses.
More information
The full survey report is freely available and can be requested from Monique Kemperman, Campaign Manager, via
May 2022