February 2016: Narcissus is Houseplant of the month
That sunny harbinger of spring, the pot Narcissus is Houseplant of the month for February. Most customers like to give houseroom to these cheerful bloomers, so lend them some extra shine in your store with our beautiful POS material. You can download it free of charge using the link at the bottom of this article.
The story behind the narcissus
The Narcissus derives its name from a beautiful youth in Greek mythology. Narcissus had no interest in the nymph Echo, who adored him. Instead of flirting, he preferred to go hunting. Echo asked the God of vengeance, Nemesis, to punish him for his rejection. When Narcissus went to drink from a clear stream after some strenuous activity, he saw his own magnificent reflection and was so impressed by it that he continued to gaze at himself in the water lovingly for days. In the end exhaustion caused him to fall into the water and he drowned. A flower sprung up on the spot which had the same beauty as the youth, with its head hanging slightly. Narcissism - excessive love of oneself - is derived from this.
Production of pot narcissi
In the wild narcissi grow in meadows, woods and rocky places. The original distribution area covers the whole of Western Europe - it’s a common plant which is completely at home here. Cultivated pot narcissi come mainly from the Netherlands.
What to look for when buying narcissi
When buying narcissi look at the pot size, the number of bulbs per pot/bowl, the colour and the ripeness. It’s obviously important that the plant is free of pests and diseases. The bulbs may be poorly rooted and too loose in the pot. You can also sometimes see dried buds or leaf tips. This is usually due to the method of cultivation. If there is fungus on the bulbs or soil, the plant has been exposed to excessive humidity or been kept too wet. A well-developed bud with some colour offers the least risk of the bud drying out or flowers that do not open.
Extensive choice of narcissi
Pot narcissi are available in a wide range of colours and flower shapes. Most cultivars are yellow and white, but there are also orange, cream, salmon and many bi-coloured narcissi. Some cultivars have a beautiful fragrance.
Classification of the narcissi range according to flower shape:
- Trumpet (trumpet longer than the petals)
- Double-flowered (double trumpet or petals)
- Large-crowned (trumpet is more than 1/3 of the length of the petals)
- Small-crowned (trumpet is not more than 1/3 of the length of the petals)
- Cyclamen-flowered (petals point strongly backwards, flower bent towards the ground)
- Triandrus (spray, petals point strongly backwards)
- Tazetta (spray narcissus, strongly scented, petals do not point backwards)
- Poeticus (scented, petals pure white, cup very short or disc-shaped)
- Jonquilla (hollow or pitcher-shaped trumpet)
- Split-crowned (cup open)
- Botanical narcissi, often identifiable by the small sizes and the name which consists only of the genus name and species epithet.
Care tips for customers
Pot narcissi are a fabulous harbinger of spring which can give great pleasure if the plant is cared for properly. Indoors it is best to place the plant in a cool spot in order to allow it flower for as long as possible. In the garden it makes few demands, and can cope with both shade and sun. Even in wintry conditions narcissi can brighten up a balcony or patio. Water regularly and do not allow the pot soil to dry out. There is no need to feed, since most nutrition is already present in the bulb. Just to be clear, the plant is only for decoration and not for consumption.
Sales and display tips for pot narcissi
- Telling the customer about the Narcissus’ background and displaying the plants attractively can boost sales. Maybe emphasise the spring element - how they flower so beautifully on the roadside, but also on the balcony. The Narcissus is a real spring flower which symbolises a new beginning.
- Pot narcissi have many uses, both indoors and outdoors. Flowering narcissus bulbs incorporated in wreathes, table decorations and spring arrangements are perfect for giving customers the ultimate spring feeling on wintry days. Loose bulbs can still flower in the arrangements, even without potting soil.
- If the temperature does not drop too far below freezing, pot narcissi can also be used outdoors in plant bowls and containers in conjunction with other spring products such as Primula and Salix.
Images of pot narcissi
You can download the images below free of charge.
Pot narcissi poster
You can download the poster using the link below.