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Results of Thanks Plants 2019 Shopper Activations

20 January 2020

We launched four shopper activations in 2019 in the Netherlands, Germany and France as part of the Thanks Plants campaign. The activations translated the Thanks Plants message to the shop floor.

By carefully monitoring and measuring the results, we can immediately apply the acquired knowledge to the next activations. We are sharing the highlights of the Thanks Plants 2019 shopper activation results below.

Shopper activatie Bloemist NL 2019
1. Dutch florists​
We launched the shopper activation in collaboration with 400 independent Dutch florists in October, as well as suppliers Air So Pure, Bab Star, VBW, Waterdrinker, and Green Trade Centre. The aim was to persuade consumers to buy more houseplants from the Air So Pure range. The results:

  • 400 florists registered and paid to participate.
  • A store check showed that 82% of the shops were actively and correctly participating in the promotion - a considerably higher percentage than what was seen in earlier shopper activations at florists.
  • A reach of over 400,000 consumers through online advertising.
  • 838 promotional codes were entered online; this was 9.5% of the issued codes (on comparable promotions the average is 3.5%)
  • Quantitative research amongst consumers showed that the target group (Aesthetic Explorer) gave the activation a rating of 7.2.

Shopper activatie AH Orchidee 2019
2. Albert Heijn​
We also rolled out the Albert Heijn shopper activation in October. The promotion took place at 720 Albert Heijn stores, and was a collaboration between Waterdrinker, Orchidee Nederland, Albert Heijn and the Flower Council of Holland. The aim was to persuade shoppers to buy an orchid. The results:

  • Orchids Special in Allerhande magazine (the Albert Heijn magazine) with a print run of 2.1 million and a reach of 4.2 million readers per month.
  • Quantitative research amongst consumers showed that 11% of consumers saw the campaign.
  • The respondents gave the promotion a rating of 6.8.
  • 4 out of 10 respondents thought that the ‘free pot’ offer was appealing.
  • The sales target was comfortably achieved!

Shopper activatie Rewe 2019
3. Rewe, Germany​
A shopper activation took place at 2,500 Rewe stores in Germany in November. Here too we wanted to persuade shoppers to buy an orchid. We did this in collaboration with Greenyard, Orchidee Nederland and Rewe. The results:

  • Quantitative research showed that 22% of German consumers saw the orchid promotion at Rewe, whilst 10% bought an orchid.
  • The respondents gave the promotion a rating of 6.4.
  • The message came across clearly, and the link with Danke Pflanzen was considered to be good.
  • 6 out of 10 respondents thought that the offer of a free orchid conditioner was appealing.
  • The offer could be seen in 20 million leaflets, and with the social media advertising we reached 900,000 consumers in the Rewe target group.

Shopper activatie E-Leclerc 2019
4. E. Leclerc, France​
The final Thanks Plants shopper activation in 2019 took place in France. We sought to persuade shoppers in 650 E. Leclerc supermarkets / hypermarkets to put an orchid in their trolley. We did this in collaboration with Greenpartners, Orchidee Nederland and E. Leclerc. The results:

  • A full page article about orchids in the 9 million home-delivered E. Leclerc leaflets.
  • Ready-made in-store display on wheels with eye-catching promotion marketing were rolled into the supermarkets complete with product.
  • 100% of the stores had the offer available, of which a proportion with the full in-store marketing.
  • We also found that the activation offer was communicated with every product and that the link with the Merci les Plantes campaign was clearly identifiable.

Further information
This article is a summary of all the extensive research results that we have about the four Thanks Plants 2019 shopper activations. If you are interested in more details or specific figures, please contact Fleur Fiers-Bol (+31 (0) 174 72 70 33 or f.fiers@bloemenbureauholland.nl) or Jacco van der Hoeven (+31 (0)174 72 70 28 or j.van.der.hoeven@bloemenbureauholland.nl).