Ode to nature
Due to the climate crisis, we feel vulnerable compared to nature’s overwhelming power. We feel the pressing need to do something about climate change, because we’re at risk. At the same time, we show our affinity with nature. We are part of it, after all. This is reflected in how we decorate our homes, both inside and out.
Ode to Nature in the interior
A crisis requires extreme shapes rather than subtle design. Nature appears to intrude our interiors and take over in the Ode to Nature trend. Its shapes are therefore organic, robust, irregular, and as such, natural. We see many rock, stone, and boulder shapes, or shapes that appear to be hand-made. The seemingly wild inside borders are particularly striking. The result is an organic symbiosis of non-living and living materials, such as with sofas that may seem to be made of rock, but instead are of a soft material. The materials are natural and environmentally conscious. As for colours, expect brown, green, and soft, natural shades in the interior. We also see a lot of visual rhyme demonstrating the cohesion between the various elements in nature. This makes us realise that everything is connected, we are part of nature, and draw inspiration from it for design.
Ode to Nature in the outdoor space
Outside too, nature is given free reign, with organic and erratic shapes. Gardens are given a wild character, with winding semi-paved paths and wild borders. The use of a large variety of flowers and plants stimulate biodiversity. Balconies are also covered in lush green, with an abundance of horizontal and vertically planted plants. This enables you to ‘disappear’ into the green. The used materials are either recycled or of natural origin. Moreover, we include nature in the design, for example, by using tree trunks as benches or stepping 'stones’ in a body of water.
The trend’s product components
The shapes are erratic and organic, with a natural or handcrafted look.
Since many natural and/or recycled materials (rattan, clay, wood, natural stone) as possible are used, they tend to be environmentally conscious. The used patterns are natural textures, reliefs, erratic lines, and dégradé or spill-over effects. The flowers and plants within this trend have erratic and natural shapes and are also applied this way.
Ode to Nature colour palette
The use of colour is natural and balanced, with shades of brown and green and a few saturated colours for flowers and flowering plants. We also see white reflected in the flowers, but that is an exception within the colour palette. The colour chart show examples of balanced, natural colour combinations that can be made with a little more colour.

The core values within this trend are: natural, wild, powerful, organic, erratic, bio-based, durable, circular, at one with nature, fused, and connectivity.
More information
Read more about the other three Horticulture Trends 2023: Vintage Folklore, Layered Spaces, and Collecting Memories.